A little extra, that’s all

Who are nurses? What do they do? What are they supposed to do? I will try and answer the aforementioned questions in my own limited capacity. Nurses they say are the God’s right hand, an angel and so many other things soothing to the ears of a burned out nurse. So many good cliches attached to this profession but here I am today to defy some of this sugar coated descriptions. Well, a nurse is not just someone in white dress that you see in a hospital setting, the ones who tell you, that injection won’t hurt a bit but it actually does as hell, this part comes with the job, it’s a freaking needle going inside your body, it’s got to hurt but where am I going with this one? I was saying they ain’t the only nurses, if you are lucky enough, you might be a nurse the moment you were born, having a caring heart, tending to your little brother or sister’s bruised knees, tending to your parents when they are sick or helping your friends when they need your help, this are the qualities that makes you a nurse. So you see, all of us are nurses in a way. It is expected out of a normal human being to have emotions and right in there makes you a nurse. The nurses who ain’t paid of course and it is true as it gets to say the best nurses in the world are unpaid “our mothers”.

“A kind nurse takes half the pain away”. Now this one ain’t a cliche, the only person you want to see when you are sick is your mother and in her absence you meet us, your shrewd siblings you might say to do justice to the unmatched love and care of a mother. We the nurses try to step in to make you comfortable, to be there if you want to talk or ask something, to drag you to the toilet to have a bath, to make you move your lazy ass from bed, to make sure you eat well, drink well, pass stool, urinate and reassure you that your kidneys will be intact after surgery and this ain’t a ‘India fights back episode’ where your kidneys might be gone. 😁 I hope it’s safe to say we are your second mother’s, the shrewd one but with that equal amount of wish to see you get better soon.

A nurse ain’t all about medication and cocky medical terms. He/she is your saviour in the field, when you are lost for words and everyone is onto pricking you or cutting you. They are the one to let you know what actually is the plan for you in a manner that makes you comfortable, if that doesn’t help they can discuss things of your liking too , the handsome korean drama actors, the current tomato price in sabji bazaar, you name it. To be a nurse is to be versatile, to be jack of all trades and we all are nurse deep down. The ones who chose it as a profession like myself, I say we just went an extra mile or two, that’s all. So here is wishing all the nurses all over the globe a very happy nurse day. 😊😊😊

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